Before you get too excited and exclaim, "Oh, no! What happened!" I will start this post by assuring you that it really was nothing. The front door at the church bit him as he was, once again, RIDING HIS RIPSTICK INTO THE CHURCH. Nevermind that his mother has pleaded with him countless times to not ride the thing INTO the church. Anyway, apparently the hole in the door that the lock latches into is quite sharp. So he got a nasty gash in the side of his finger and took a few layers off his knuckle. There actually was quite a bit of blood so I was having a little trouble deciding whether stitches would be helpful in the healing. So, off to the ER we went!
X-rays were taken to insure there was no break. Then he was cleaned up, super-glued, steri-stripped, guazed and splinted. Probably the easiest visit to the ER I have experienced. Never a dull moment around here!