Here I go trying this blogging thing again. Not sure where to start (again) but to just write about what has been happening lately.
I really enjoyed the last couple of weeks that the kids were in school. Since I worked at the Cherokee school this year (serving lunch to adorable elementary school kids) I was done for the year befor the Swain County schools got out. I was able to go on some field trips and enjoy some of the end of the year events at the charter school the youngest three attend. I went with Matti's 8th grade class on a genseng marking expedition. Apparently people have been caught stealing the plants (which are endangered) out of the local national park. Marking the plants involves introducing a chemical into their DNA which proves the plant came from the protected area.

My CDL license came in handy as I drove Samuel's 4th grade class on three different trips. The first was to a favorite swimming area in a nearby man-made lake. The next trip was into town for a fact-finding expedition and a scavenger hunt at the library. The third trip was down into the Nantahala Gorge for a rafting trip, fun! I didn't get to go on any trips with Katie, but I did get to see her play with the middle school band. I also escorted her pet snake, Monty, on a trip to Samuel's class for pet day.

Since school has been out, we have been taking it pretty easy. The kids have had some friends stay over. We visited the local skate park. We went to see a movie with Rich. Matti started working on Wednesdays on a gardening/fruit and vegetable stand job. Of course, they haven't harvested anything yet, but they have been doing some planting. We have also planted a small garden (Rich, Richie, Samuel and I) at our house. We have tomatos, potatos, peppers, squash and one bean plant! I put some corn in the other day, but none of them have sprouted yet. When they do, I am going to try to plant pole beans by each corn plant and they will hopefully do well together.
I plan to take better advantage of the local adventure opportunities this summer. I would like to do some hiking, rafting/kayaking, primative camping this year. I find it kinda crazy that I have not gotten into more of this during the last 16 years I have lived here.