Four of Five

Four of Five

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blanching and Freezing Veggies

A couple of weeks ago, I called around to find out how to properly freeze veggies because our garden is producing yellow squash at a rate which exceeds our desire to consume them.  Those I called were either accustomed to canning or had forgotten the freezing process.  So, you know what I did? Yep, I Googled it! Now I am going to share what I found out with you while simultaneously showing off my first batch.
Boil 3 minutes

Ice for 5 minutes

Drain (I know, that was a no-brainer)

Bag  (Some day I will maybe get a vacuum sealer. This day, I used that straw.)

This is all I did (4 quart bags). It took almost 10 lbs of ice though!

Yes, that's right, put it in the freezer!

     I suppose some day this willl not be as exciting to me. But this is obviously new to me and I'm sharing my feeling of accomplishment with you. Probably I will move to the canning camp and stay with that by the fall. It seemed easier to go this route for now since I don't have canning equipment yet. But when I get it, you'll be sure to know!

1 comment:

  1. I have freezer full of blanched veggies too! Love it still. Never gets old.
